Friday, February 16, 2018

Un Terrible Amor Por La Guerra (Ensayo Sexto Piso) libro James Hillman pdf

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Thought-provoking and eloquent, this explanation of why war exists and why humanity seems to love it offers some disturbing insights. James Hillman attests that in a world where violence is omnipresent and multiform, war is both natural and inhuman; it is an innate characteristic of being just as death, love, beauty, and terror are, but in creating it men seem to be carrying out the divine wishes. In addition to his analysis, Hillman provides a possible alternative to acting upon the desire for violence: channeling it into an aesthetic passion. Not only does this passionate polemic seek to reduce ignorance about the nature of war, but it also gives a fresh perspective on the terrible activity that humanity is so immersed in.

Intelectualmente estimulante y elocuente, esta explanación de porqué existe la guerra y porqué la humanidad la ama ofrece algunas ideas inquietantes. James Hillman atestigua que en un mundo en el que la violencia es omnipresente y multiforme, la guerra es a la vez natural e inhumana; es una característica innata del ser como la muerte, el amor, la belleza y el terror, pero al hacerla.
libro gratis Un Terrible Amor Por La Guerra (Ensayo Sexto Piso)
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